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Hustle & Passion

I’ve been attending a lot of networking events lately, and those are the two words that I hear the most. I’ve learned that the CEOs who are successful today have all had their failure. One common theme between many high business executives was that they had to hustle. Nothing was given to them.

Before you decide on a career, you need to define what your passion is. When you are passionate about something, it’s no longer work. You don’t want to work a 9-5 job and sit in your office waiting for the clock to strike 5. If that’s your mindset, it’s going to be hard for you to be happy and progress with your career.

Passion is going to be the fuel that energizes you when you enter the office. Although your passion may be different than what people expect, it’s okay. As long as you believe that what you are doing is right, it’s going to pay off in the long run. Never let anyone tell you what you can’t do; remember that you are in the driver seat of your future. Don’t let your situation be an excuse as to why you can’t follow your dreams.

After you find your passion, you have to hustle. As mentioned above, nothing is given to you. You still have to go out there and show why you deserve to be where you want to be. Although times may be hard, you have to push and look at the ultimate goal. You have to work like there is someone out there who is outworking you. When you have passion, all the hard work and sweat that you put in isn’t going to feel like a burden. You’re going to realize that what you are doing is what you want to do. Just remember that every single person who is currently successful had to put a lot of time into getting where they are today. They worked when no one was paying attention. Even the great Dr. Seuss was rejected 27 times before publishing his first book.

Here are some key tips that I’ve received at the networking events:

1.) Move with Speed

Look at it this way: if you walk with speed, it’s going to show people that you have a sense of urgency. It shows that you are excited to get where you want, and it’s going to impress people that you feel that way.

2.) No one bats 1000

It’s okay to make a mistake and fail. Learn from your mistake and build on it. Don’t let your failures prevent you from reaching your ultimate goal.

3.) Smile

Your positive energy is going to be contagious, and the people you work with will get the same energy you feel.

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